Mandana, Kavitha

No. 9 on the shade card/ by Kavitha Mandana - New Delhi: Red Turtle/Rupa, 2013. - 155 p. ;

Why didn t you wear your cap? Look how dark you ve become!

Where is the need for all this running, that too in shorts...

When will she get serious?

If you re a girl who loves to run, having a grandmother obsessed about which part of the skin tone metre you are at can be tough. There s no way you can avoid hearing about the ill effects of sports and all that running around in the sun . Add to that an annoying elder brother, a father who is growing more distant by the day, and a best friend in a romance that she s keeping secret from you, and it all makes growing up suddenly seem pretty difficult! Then when you decide you just have to win that Sports Federation scholarship, are you also expected to worry about your tan?



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