Varghese, P A

100 prescriptions that will shape your personality/ by P A Paul Varghese. - New Delhi: Pustak Mahal, 2013. - 136 p. ;

1. Stop feeling sorry
2. Thoughts, not hard work, bring success
3. Become rich with your present income!
4. Create your future right here and now
5. The secret of youth at 80 or 90
6. Get anything through alpha meditation
7. You don’t have to know everything
8. The best way to communicate
9. Your mind, your healer
10. Become a CEO
11. Sex energy and success
12. Be happy
13. The impossible is possible
14. Ring out stress and tension: ring in tranquility and peace
15. Your actual age
16. Poverty is our making
17. Convert NO into YES
18. Yes there is inequality at birth, but each one can succeed
19. Give less; get more
20. Make yours a better world!
21. Live great!
22. Are you fit?
23. There is no grey cloud over your head
24. Learn English, the only world language
25. Is your memory poor?
26. How to become happy?
27. Are you a successful executive?
28. Wonder at the wonders around
29. Run for fun
30. Take the first step; the next step follows
31. Invest in yourself
32. Are our problems all that big?
33. How do you select a partner?
34. Your profession:let it all be play and work
35. Can we prevent natural calamities?
36. Are the laws for the poor and the weak?
37. Offer challenges to your grey matter
38. Laugh your way to health
39. Attain super health
40. Beat procrastination
41. A legless legend
42. Cultivate a world view
43. You need not age after all
44. Reach the top at 35!
45. Modeling for quick success
46. Limiting beliefs (that pull you down)
47. Emotional intelligence
48. The theory of progress
49. Scarcity orientation
50. Why the poor remain poor?
51. Creating abundance
52. Traits of successful people
53. Genetic permutations and combinations
54. More the failures greater the chance to succeed 69
55. Developing self-confidence
56. Revolutionary Selling
57. Move briskly to succeed
58. Fast to become healthy
59. Life just begins now
60. Picture your dream into reality
61. Gain instant courage to face a difficult situation
62. If you believe in longevity, accident is not possible 78
63. Focus……..Focus
64. Getting what you want
65. These balancing rock shave lived millions for years
66. You can succeed too
67. Predict your future by creating it
68. Down with dowry!
69. Nature is indifferent to man
70. Life in the 22nd century
71. Develop your self-esteem
72. Why are we Christians, Hindus or Moslem?
73. Secret of a long life from Acacia
74. Let women partake in nation building
75. You alone are responsible for your life
76. Change your map to change your destiny
77. Who become your enemy?
78. Ensure a good sleep
79. Prosperity begins with one’s own thoughts
80. Why do we fail?
81. All we know: we do not know
82. Can you become Lincoln, Einstein, Picasso, Shakespeare?
83. You decide when ‘to go’
84. Giving: the great secret of success
85. Has your life been hard so far?
86. Don’t lie down licking your wounds
87. IQ may not be enough at the workplace
88. Lessen worry; become merry
89. A new year resolution
90. Say a big thank you
91. You can be lucky too
92. Your brain is like a god!
93. Problem is with you, not with the world
94. Differentiate between right and wrong
95. Celebrate life
96. Amuse yourself when in a snarl
97. Sure recipe for perfect health
98. Let’s not oppress women
99. Live your lives!
100. Can I succeed?

Personality is a collection of patterns – of thoughts, behaviour and feelings – that make up who you are. And guess what? Patterns can change. It'll take work, but if you're truly devoted to this idea, anything can happen. The book is a presentation of techniques to know, improve and develop the most sought-after attribute of a person i.e. his or her personality. It is written in a lucid and simple language, which will be helpful not only for professionals but also for homemakers, students and entrepreneurs.
100 Prescriptions That Will Shape Your Personality presents a holistic, integrated, principle-centered approach for solving personal and professional problems.
As you expose yourself to the influence of this philosophy, you experience a CHANGED LIFE which may help you not only to negotiate your way through life with harmony and understanding, but will also prepare you for a healthy mind and a successful life.


Personality development

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