Das, Moumita

Did you know 3 ? : Yet another 500 facts revealed / by Moumita Das and Chinmoy Kumar Ghosh - New Delhi : Viva Books, 2017. - 154 p. ;

Once it snowed in Sahara. A round table conference does not refer to the shape of the table. Some birds become bilingual when it comes to making communications. Charlie Chaplin had written a novel. Caesar salad is not named after Julius Caesar. You can enjoy a perfumed room by rubbing lemon peels on light bulbs. Did You Know3? explains the surprising facts about hundreds of everyday phenomena that are too familiar to notice otherwise. This book will amaze the readers with its wide coverage and delight them with the unexpected. Dr Moumita Das is working as an Assistant Director at NCIDE, IGNOU.


Curiosities and wonders
General Knowledge

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